This teaching resource has been submitted by The Glucksman, Ireland, and is part of their Creativity at Home online art activities.
Learning Level
Elementary/Primary School (Age 5-11)
Short Overview
Explore colour and light in this creative home learning activity. Experiment with mixing two primary colours to make the colour green, learn about the colour green in flora and fauna, and find green objects in the home, create shadow drawings and explore the power of colour!
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson the student/s will be able to:
– Name primary colours and how they mix to make other colours
– Identify the colour green in various shades
– Use visual vocabulary to describe colour in nature
Resources Required
Pencil, colouring pencils, paper, pen.
Download the Activity (PDF)
Useful Links
Visit the Glucksman website to view this activity and many more in their Creativity and Home collection.