A Visual Writing Notebook from Visual Verse and M-Leuven

This teaching resource has been submitted by Visual Verse and M-Leuven.


Arts, writing 

Learning Level

Professional/Workplace Development

Short Overview

Download this free visual writing notebook with four creative writing exercises designed to help you explore the relationship between words and images. Build your visual vocabulary, develop visual thinking skills and master the art of conjuring your subsconscious.

This resource was created by Visual Verse and M Leuven on the occasion of the 51st conference of the International Visual Literacy Association, Belgium, 2019.

The images are the starting point, the text is up to you.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson the student/s will be able to:
– Critically engage with a diverse range of artworks
– Produce written responses to artwork (ekphrasis)
– Use visual vocabulary to describe artworks and in written responses

Resources Required

Print out or PDF of booklet provided
pen or pencil


Download the Visual Writing Notebook (PDF)

Useful Links

Visit Visual Verse and M-Leuven for more information and activities.