“I Will Not Be a Tourist in the Land of Images”: Adding the Visual to Information Literacy Instruction

“I Will Not Be a Tourist in the Land of Images”: Adding the Visual to Information Literacy Instruction by Carol A. Leibiger and Alan W. Aldrich

“… the creation of separate standards for IL and visual literacy (VL) suggests a disconnect between these constructs, despite the fact that words and images often function together as information carriers. IL standards seem to address verbal literacy, while visual or media literacy addresses the information associated with visual media. Given the increase in visual content carriers, a logical step for IL instruction would be the integration of VL and IL into a seamless literacy program (Harris, 2010). The presenters will suggest ways to combine VL and IL into a rhetorically based, critical-thinking approach to information. This approach can enrich IL and critical-thinking instruction, as learners are taught to apply rigorous criteria to texts regardless of their media form.”