Back to Back Construction with Toledo Museum of Art

This teaching resource has been submitted by Toledo Museum of Art.



Learning Level

Middle School (Age 11-14)

Short Overview

Back to Back Construction was developed by Mr. Robert Steinline, a Technology Education teacher at Springfield Middle School, as part of a collaboration project between the Toledo Museum of Art and area educators. The activity develops the ability to technically describe an assembly of geometric shapes and it is intended for 6th–8th-grade students.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson the student/s will be able to:

– Develop the ability to technically describe an assembly of geometric shapes created with Legos to a degree of accuracy that another learner can replicate the assembly.
– Describe (orally) assemblies to another student to the degree that the second student can re-construct the assembly from a verbal description only.

Resources Required

Back-to-back seats with tables facing forward, Lego building blocks, Digital camera, Timing device.


Download the Activity (PDF)

Useful Links

For more education resources like this, visit the Toledo Museum of Art’s School and Teacher Resources page