This teaching resource has been submitted by Nicole Candian at Toledo Museum of Art.
Learning Level
High/Secondary School (Age 14-18)
Short Overview
An Observational Drawing is when you observe something and respond to it with a visual representation or personal observation. It is a way to communicate concepts and details in an engaging way that helps other observers understand. Observational drawing encourages students to develop new ways of seeing and new awareness. It strengthens perception and close looking skills. This resource was created in collaboration with a teacher professional development workshop designed for K-12 art and biology educators.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson the student/s will be able to:
– Learn close looking skills while exploring observational nature drawings and prints. – Explore different ways to visualize and interpret what they see.
Resources Required
Everyday object, Speaking Visual Activity Card set, Sketchbook or Drawing Paper, Drawing Pencils/Eraser, Styrafoam Sheets/Printing Paper, Carving tool, Printmaking Ink, Brayer/tray.
Download the Teaching Resource and Activity (PDF)
Useful Links
For more education resources like this, visit the Toledo Museum of Art’s School and Teacher Resources page.