Creativity in Education with the Glucksman and Róisín Hahessy

Illustration by Róisín Hahessy

This teaching resource has been submitted by The Glucksman, Ireland, and is part of their Creativity at Home online art activities. 



Learning Level

Elementary/Primary School (Age 5-11)

Short Overview

This activity is from the Glucksman’s Creativity at Home series and uses the work of Róisín Hahessy to inspire children of all ages. The activity is themed around creative education. Children are invited to look at Róisín’s image closely and answer questions including: What is happening in this picture? What does your school/classroom look like? What kind of things are the children are learning about? After this observation and discussion, they will draw their own imaginary classroom and then draw, cut and paste some classmates.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson the participants/s will be able to:
– Look carefully at an image and observes content and physical details
– Describes pictorial, graphic, and aesthetic elements of an image (e.g., color, composition, line, shape, contrast, repetition, style)
– Participates in discussions about images
– Experiments with image-production tools and technologies

Resources Required

Paper, Pencils, Colouring Pencils or Markers, Eraser and Sharpener


Download the Activity (PDF)

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