This teaching resource has been submitted by Toledo Museum of Art.
Arts, Literacy, Education
Learning Level
Pre-K / Early Years (Age 0-5)
Short Overview
ABC’s of Art is a series of early childhood workshops which provide early childhood educators with tools and teaching strategies to help preschool students pre-literacy development through art. The materials presented here are from a collaboration between Toledo Public Schools and the Toledo Museum of Art.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this activity, students will:
– be familiar with tier-two vocabulary including high-frequency sight words
– use a wide range of vocabulary to describe art works
– use expressive language and comprehension
– identify and describe shapes
– coordinate hands and fingers to manipulate objects
– express ideas and feeling through art
Resources Required
Construction Paper (Black, any size), Construction Paper – Primary Colors, Scissors, Glue or Glue Stick, White Colored Pencil, White Crayon
Download the Activity (PDF)
Useful Links
For more education resources like this, visit the Toledo Museum of Art’s School and Teacher Resources page.