This teaching resource has been submitted by Kristen Harrison at Discovery Diaries.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths)
Learning Level
Elementary/Primary School (Age 5-11)
Short Overview
Every astronaut needs a spacesuit to keep them safe. With digital and multimedia resources provided, students will research the types of spacesuits astronauts need, and the features they include, then they will design their own suit. If resources are available, encourage children to use and discover a range of media to create their suit – pens, pencils, paint, crafts, foil, collage. Imagination is key!
Learning Outcomes
– Find and access information
– Categorize and label researched information
– Interpret and analyze the meanings of images and visual media
Resources Required
Coloured pens, pencils and any other craft materials available
Print out of the Design Your Spacesuit Activity Sheet
Download the Design Your Spacesuit Activity Sheet (PDF)
Download the Design Your Spacesuit Teaching Notes (PDF)